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Global Mobility

We are a full-service business law firm with a focus on global employee deployment for 20 years. The firm’s staff speaks eight languages. In addition to German and English, French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and Greek are spoken.

We advise companies worldwide in 150 countries. The firm covers all areas of global employee deployment, including contract design, taxes, social security, and visas. You can choose to receive the services as a comprehensive package or in customized service bundles. Thanks to modern communication structures, global presence is ensured. The expertise is documented through numerous professional publications.


Here you will find our latest publications for magazines and specialist literature.


Rechtsanwalt Achim Heuser erklärt rechtliche, steuerliche und Global-Mobility-Themen – Jetzt auf Instagram folgen!


Digitales Fachmagazin zu Global Mobility, Steuern und Recht – Jetzt auf Heuser News lesen und aktuelle Fachthemen entdecken!


Buch ‚Auslandsentsendung und Beschäftigung ausländischer Arbeitnehmer‘ (5. Auflage) – Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen!
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